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Some Wins for the Environment in the Autumn Statement

Authored by Marco on November 18, 2022

Jeremy Hunt

Yesterday (17th Nov 22) , the Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, released his autumn statement, which included the predicted bad news for tax payers, as the government tries to balance the books and we embark into an official ‘Recession’. Thankfully however, it was not all doom and gloom in regards to the green agenda and the UK’s continuing path to Net Zero !


Hunt confirmed that the government remains fully committed to the Glasgow Climate Pact agreed at COP26, which includes a 68% reduction in emissions by 2030. He stated that the UK has been a global leader in this area, cutting emissions “by more than any other G20 country”

“… with the existential vulnerability we face, now would be the wrong time to step back from our international climate responsibilities… ” said the Chancellor.


International climate responsibilities have had positive knock-on effects closer to home too. Hunt recognised that ” Over the long term, there is only way to stop ourselves being at the mercy of international gas prices: energy independence combined with energy efficiency”

Rocketing fuel prices and the increasing cost of living are putting millions of people into financial hardship, so the UK must do everything it can to become more self-sufficient when it comes to power generations, using renewable sources nationally and in individual homes: to stabilise the energy market, cut fossil fuel usage and where possible, give people the option of removing themselves from the grid altogether.


In the statement, the Government pledged to double annual energy-efficiency investment with new funding of £6bn, however this will not be implemented until 2025, with the Cost of Living Crisis happening now, it seems a shame to delay in making people’s homes warmer & cheaper to run; something that will effect the poorest and most vulnerable in society to a greater extent.


Those that can will be looking at renewable options already , such as fitting Solar PV on the roof, Heating their homes with Heat Pumps and Parking EV’s on the drive, even with Government incentives and support, this is an approach only the comfortably-off in society can consider.


There was bad news for Electric Vehicle Drives too, who, from 2025, will need to start paying vehicle excise duty.


Overall, it is encouraging to see that the green agenda is still considered important, even if some say some of the announcements made yesterday are still too little too late. Whichever way you look at it, renewables are here to stay and installers should train now to take advantage of this growing marketplace. Eventually, everyone’s hand will be forced away from fossil fuels.
