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Encouraging Britain to ‘Go Green’

Authored by Marco on October 13, 2022

In an article today Business Secretary, Jacob Rees-Mogg has discussed his thoughts on the renewable energy sector and getting the public on board with Net Zero.

Rees-Mogg has highlighted the department is exploring options to support low-cost finance to help households with the upfront cost of solar installation, as well as permitted development rights to support the deployment of more small-scale solar installations in commercial settings.

The key point from this article that could drastically reduce barriers of entry for consumers, is the possibility of ‘low-cost finance’ allowing customers to spread the cost of Solar PV installation.

In a recent survey by Rightmove, almost half of consumers wanted to reduce their home’s carbon footprint, however a third also stated that the reason they had not already made ‘green’ improvements, was due to the cost barrier. Although the proposed idea does not go the whole way to reducing the price of Solar PV systems, it allows customers to spread the cost, which should lead to an increase in demand for Solar PV installations.

Whilst this is wonderful news for consumers allowing them to reduce their energy bills and make the move to greener energy – as well as wonderful news for installers of Solar PV systems – as with any ‘Great Idea’ there are always some potential risks.

With any rapidly expanding industry the key is to maintain consistency and quality across the board, which is where companies like GTEC come in, to ensure that installers are receiving the highest quality training possible. MCS certification is also key to keeping standards high post training, providing consumers with peace of mind.

Overall, ideas like low-cost financing on Solar PV installations will allow a lot of consumers that have previously been financially unable to make the move to greener energy, take the leap, helping the UK get closer to the goal of Net Zero. However, the government also needs to look at ways to maintain the quality and ensure all installers are properly trained; incentives to achieve the qualifications needed would go a long way.

Check out the full article here –>

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